5 Tips To Help Your Child Feel Safe At Daycare

24 October 2022
 Categories: , Blog


Many children look forward to spending time with a daycare provider after they have gotten used to going. However, it can be scary or stressful to start a daycare program for the first time. Here are five tips to help your little one feel safe with their childcare provider.

1) Choose a daycare provider that you trust

This is one of the most important factors in ensuring that your child feels safe while in daycare. If you don't feel confident about the daycare your child attends, your little one will pick up on your anxiety and feel nervous as well.

Make sure to interview several providers and get recommendations from other parents before making a decision. It's also a good idea to visit the daycare center several times before your child starts attending.

2) Discuss the daycare arrangement with your child

Explain to your little one what daycare is and what they can expect while they're there. It might be helpful to read books about daycares or daycare centers together. This can help ease any fears your child may have and make the daycare seem more familiar.

Many daycare providers offer a detailed schedule. If you're considering a childcare center, ask if they have a daily or weekly schedule. If they do, you can share this schedule with your child so they know what to expect each day.

3) Make sure the daycare provider knows your child's routines

If your child has any special needs or routines, be sure to communicate this with the daycare provider. This will help your little one feel more comfortable and secure while in daycare.

If your child is in school, bring in a copy of their IEP or 504 Plan when applicable. This gives the daycare a clear understanding of your child's strengths and struggles, so they can plan accordingly.

4) Set up a good drop-off routine

If you're nervous about dropping your child off at daycare, your child will likely sense that and cling to you. Instead, try to act calm and confident during dropoffs.

Say goodbye to your child in a positive way. For example, you could say something like, "I'll see you later today!" or "Have a great day at daycare!" This will help your child feel good about going to daycare and make the separation easier.

5) Check in with the daycare provider regularly

If possible, try to touch base with the daycare provider during the day. This will help you feel more connected to what's going on and give you peace of mind. If you can't check in during the day, make sure to ask the daycare provider how your child's day was when you pick them up. 

Spending time with a daycare provider can cause anxiety at first, but over time, your child will thrive. Focus on the positive and do your research to ensure your child feels comfortable with their provider. For more advice, reach out to a daycare center, such as Happy Days Childcare & Learning Center.